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Can't synchronize device with the programmer

This is a really common issue which is related to the SPI programming frequency. 

The error message means that pre-programmed SPI clock settings in the MCU (used for programming) do not match your programmer's configuration. 

In order to program the chip, Fuse bits oscillator settings should be the same as in the previous programming process.

The minimal SPI programming frequency that can be used with the AVRFlash programmer is 1 MHz, so setting clock Fuse bit that is below this minimum (for example, using an internal oscillator at 128 kHz) will produce the reported issue, because the programmer cannot supply 128 kHz clock.

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  1. Dusan Poluga

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    An explanation of how to deal with this problem would have helped! I have ATmega324Ps that have accidentally been programmed with the wrong device name (324 or 324PB) and now I can get no return signal from the MCU MISO pin